Friday, March 13, 2009


We decided to let Chris drive coming home from our fly fishing trip in Wyoming. Mistake. He rolled and totaled Tony's truck on I-80. I was in the back with Shaun. Chris and Tony were in front. Everyone keeps telling us how lucky we are nobody died. Yeah, but what about my gorgeous head? D-bags.

In the ambulance they cut the arms off my favorite fleece and fishing shirt. I wasn't too happy about that.
Chris also hit an elk doing about 45 mph last week at the Grand Canyon. We thought of a clever new name for Chris. It's A-hole.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get some hobbies

There's an article in today Salt Lake Tribune about Utah leading the nation in online porn subscriptions. "Utah is Red State When it Comes to Porn". Some of the comments about this article are hilarious. Here's an example:

I'm disappointed in Utahans, Porn is free. Why pay for it? are we that stupid? Where are our fiscal conservative values? No wonder we are near the top in bankruptcies also, we pay for porn for heavens sakes, what kind of financial lunatic does that? It's appalling!

comment by user: first2third

Check out the chart.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

M watching TV

M sitting like a monkey and watch TV. I took it with my phone so the quality sucks.