Friday, September 25, 2009

King Salmon

Taryl and I caught these King Salmon in the first hour of fishing. In about 2-3 weeks I'll be going back for Steelhead.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Dad and I have taken the boat to the Snake River, a couple reservoirs, and Wyoming. It was kind of muddy on the road.

This may be the largest Brown that I've taken on a dry fly.

First trip with boat

It would have been smarter to test the boat locally, but we drove almost 300 miles for the first boat trip. Josh caught the first fish out of the boat. This 7 foot sturgeon.

Here's Rob wishing he'd brought toilet paper.

Drift Boat

I finally found my dream boat. The problem was that it had been sunk and totaled.

I worked on it basically around the clock for three weeks.

After a mere 150 hours or so, here's what it looks like. Since this picture I've fiberglassed the boxes. I'll paint the inside over the winter.