Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunday Ride

Here's a video I made on my Sunday ride up the canyon. Riding my bike makes me feel good to be doing my part in saving the environment.

Friday, July 27, 2007


I know how much my dad hates motorcycles, so "if" I owned two motorcycles this is what they'd look like. The one on the left would be the new bike I bought this summer. The yellow one would be the 143 HP beast I just got. It would be incredible to ride!I'm trying to look tough here, but it's difficult in my swimming suit and Meat Whistles t-shirt.
Notice the handles on the back. So you don't have to wrap your arms around my waist anymore Greg.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New niece

Here's a picture of my new niece Charlotte Lily. I thought she was broken, but apparently babies are very flexible.
Calvin's really excited to have a new sister. I told Brigitte I'd try to Photoshop some makeup onto her, but I'm not a miracle worker.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


A few days ago my mom got a new puppy. Calvin and all the nieces and nephews really love it, but I'm still the favorite uncle. FYI, I love you like a niece Jeremy.I wish I'd know I was contagious before playing with all the nieces and nephews! What kind of parent am I going to make? I can barely raise Shaun and Rob.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

24th of July

Nikki, Ian and their girls came up for the 24th. We had a fire and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows in the backyard.
The next day Ian and I golfed in the morning and then the kids got to go out on the boat. Here are 2 of my 3 sisters. Brittney was in Vegas, but she wouldn't have gone on the boat anyway. At least without a panic attack and blowup arm floats. Embarrassing.

In my family the in-laws ride in the back of the boat.

Skiing in Benson is marvelous. Ian's standing in one of the deeper parts.

Friday, July 20, 2007


We took Calvin boating today. He was a little nervous at first.
He's still not sure about this.

Now he's sure. I love his thumbs up.

Calvin had the same huge grin on his face the entire time. He also cackled the entire time. Here he is with Robbie.

Then he wanted to swim. I'm glad he doesn't know about parasites yet, because we were at Benson.

Driving the boat

As soon as Calvin got in the boat he asked to drive. He kept crawling up to the steering wheel. Well, he got his wish.
Here he is driving while watching Chris ski in the mirror.

Very Escher. Google it Jeremy.

I would have felt more comfortable about everything if Nick had been wearing a swimming suit.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I love Fly Fishing!

These are pictures I took while fishing in my float tube somewhere in Idaho. The fishing was really good. It was nice to get away from the 100 degree weather too.

It's really pretty there, and I saw an amazing sunset. Just before dark I could see something below me in the water. I looked closer and could see a submerged tree just below my feet. I don't know why that creeps me out so much, but I almost rode a stool-torpedo back to shore.

Friday, July 13, 2007


I took this picture after a basketball game this winter. I'm smiling because the bowls I gave Shaun and Rob and the same ones my friend's dogs ate out of a couple days earlier.

I'm such a good brother!

Halle's Birthday

Yesterday was Halle's birthday. I was in SLC so I was able to stop by and say hi. Apparently they know where the crack house is in their neighborhood.

We watered the plants with their little pink buckets. I haven't seen Ian this excited since Stake Conference.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Basketball League

Shaun, Rob, Chris and I are in a driveway basketball league. There are two teams. Rob/Chris, and Shaun/Jason.
Notice in the background Shaun oozing slime on Chris. Even Chris thinks it's disgusting, and he showers once a week. I also like the red eyes.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Friends Golf Tourney

Today was another "Friends Golf Tournament". We still used the word "friends" even though Jeremy plays.

Here's Collin getting his clubs out of the car with some of the other guys.
Here's Collin putting his clubs back into the car after he got a call saying his wife's water had broke.

Dan was my partner, but his kid Hunter rode in my cart because he knows I'm 10 times more fun than his dad. Kellee knows that too. Did I take that one step too far Dan?

Here's the house I hit with my 3-wood.

Jeremy and Tadd won the tourney. Jeremy needs it for his self-esteem. Even though his mom tells him how wonderful he is every night when she tucks him in. Which reminds me, tell Katherine "hi" Jer. She's a special lady.

For those that don't know. Jeremy is the one in the ladies polo, and Tadd is the one looking at Jeremy's butt while smiling. Congratulations! You two make a great couple/partnership.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Josh and Brigitte did fireworks at their house last night. Here's Calvin in his Spiderman chair having a slurpee.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Calvin's Tee-ball Game

Here are pictures from Calvin's tee-ball game. Here's Calvin running to 1st base.Here's Calvin chasing his own hit.
Here's Calvin waiting to run. His favorite thing.
Here are the 3rd baseman, 2nd baseman, and the shortstop. I don't think they really understand the spacing involved in defense.
And the post game pose.

July 4th Celebration

Nothing is more patriotic than shooting stuff on the 4th. I bought this gun for my solo backpacking trip across the Uintas. Our target today looked an awful lot like a modern art display.I'm embarrassed for Rob. I mean really! Who stands in this pose to shoot? The "don't ask, don't tell" policy must be a relief for Rob.
Yes, we shot a ski. I need to practice shooting over my shoulder while running, for when I do run into a bear. I'm starting to think that it's only going to make it mad.

July 4th Breakfast

We had our traditional 4th of July breakfast this morning at my house. Josh wore his customary American flag shirt.Mom and Mia with her glasses.
Calvin and Halle played the Elmo game on my laptop.
The nieces liked the swing I put up under my deck.

Horse Riding

I did some horseback riding this week. I haven't been on a horse in awhile, but it was really fun.
This horse looks really mean, but it was actually really nice.
It worries me that I like dressing up like a hick a little too much.
Yeah, I'm sore.