Saturday, July 7, 2007

Friends Golf Tourney

Today was another "Friends Golf Tournament". We still used the word "friends" even though Jeremy plays.

Here's Collin getting his clubs out of the car with some of the other guys.
Here's Collin putting his clubs back into the car after he got a call saying his wife's water had broke.

Dan was my partner, but his kid Hunter rode in my cart because he knows I'm 10 times more fun than his dad. Kellee knows that too. Did I take that one step too far Dan?

Here's the house I hit with my 3-wood.

Jeremy and Tadd won the tourney. Jeremy needs it for his self-esteem. Even though his mom tells him how wonderful he is every night when she tucks him in. Which reminds me, tell Katherine "hi" Jer. She's a special lady.

For those that don't know. Jeremy is the one in the ladies polo, and Tadd is the one looking at Jeremy's butt while smiling. Congratulations! You two make a great couple/partnership.


LB said...

Lets clarify some things here. First, look at the picture of Hunter, Dan's kid, laughing. HHHMMMMM I wonder what Jason did to make him laugh like that. If I were you Dan, I would talk to your son about inappropriate touching by Jason. He is trying to corrupt your child so that he one day is still single by the age of 37. Nothing personal Jason.

Next, Tad and I not only won the whole thing that day, but Jason forgot to clarigy that Tad and I are repeating Champs. Twice in a row and soon to be 3.

Next, I some day want to be labled as your guy's friend.

Finally, I do have a nice butt and that is why Tad was grinning ear to ear when he looked at it and yes, we make an unstoppable golf team.

LB said...

Oh ya, there is nothing wrong with my bright colored polo shirts. I think I look damn good in them. I also have colors in orange, blue, yellow and many more.

And when I said clarigy in my last post, for you idiots out there, I ment clarify.

Derri Dee said...

My, you guys do love to trash talk. Do the women in your lives really understand how you all bond with each other? It's a little scary, not to mention disturbing!!!!